Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The attempts of HR managers to make psychologists out of themselves are ridiculous. ” What HR should really do

HR is building a system

Often I hear: "I go to HR because I want to work with people." I answer this: “Psychologists and psychiatrists work with people. HR is about the ability to create systems for the development and effective work of people. ”

Of course, an HR specialist must understand social psychology and team building, but we do not solve individual employee wishes without reference to the goals of the company.

If HR focuses on someone’s individual interests, HR systems will not work. As a result, employees will leave, and HR will only do what to close vacancies.

Modern HR is a cross-function that intersects with all areas of the company, from finance to sales, if you need to look a Human Resources Job by Function visit web site - In HR, there are six main blocks of examination. I collected them, like “pieces of cake,” the first ten years of work. A universal specialist who is engaged in all functions is called an HR generalist.

The first function is recruitment.

This includes searching and interviewing candidates, hiring and adapting staff. The recruiter should evaluate not only professional experience, but also managerial skills and personal characteristics, must understand the business.

Unprofessional recruitment can lead to disastrous consequences. Once I collaborated with a company that worked in the home appliance market. There I saw that top managers do not seek to solve problems, but to defeat each other.

For example, at a meeting it was necessary to determine which sales channel to go to and with which product. However, instead of finding a solution, the tops asserted themselves and looked for the right. And while everything dragged on, a competitor entered this sales channel.

The company went into minus. For three months I persuaded to replace the tops and build a team on the principle of not “struggle”, but “additions”. But they did not listen to me. Then I watched this story from the side. Management realized the problem only a year later when the collapse came. The team was replaced, but the business had to be reformatted.

Novice specialists often ask how to determine at the interview stage whether a person will create problems in the future. My answer is this: if there is no psychological education - no way. The attempts of HR managers to build psychotherapists and psychologists from themselves are ridiculous. An experienced manipulator knows how to properly present himself.

But there are simple techniques that test the candidate’s words. You need to ask to tell about practical experience. It is necessary to formulate this way: “Give an example of a situation where you needed to avoid conflicts”, “Give an example of a situation when you yourself solved a difficult task”.

The second function is personnel assessment (performance)

We value two things: actual results and competencies.

Results are tasks that employees perform on a regular basis. To understand whether a specialist is achieving results, you must first develop key performance indicators (KPI), which determine the effectiveness.

And competencies are the knowledge, skills, which are manifested in behavior. They are divided into hard and soft. Hard skills are required to complete work tasks, as well as for business development. For a programmer, these are programming languages, for a lawyer, knowledge of the laws, for a hairdresser, the ability to cut.

Soft skills - competencies that are often called personal qualities. For example, sociability or business management. The importance of soft skills is often underestimated. A common example from the IT business. A programmer who brilliantly performs KPI is promoted to the head of the development team.

And he seems to perform direct functional tasks - all projects are completed. But two people a month leave his team, and employees speak of him as a bad leader. That is, before upgrading the specialist, the HR manager did not adequately evaluate his competence and did not organize his training.

The third function - training and development of personnel (training & development)

There are many different systems: corporate university, external training, internal training system. Each business chooses its own path.

I worked as a HR director at the RedHead Family Corporation holding, which includes the Antoshka network. 45 stores, two thousand people staff. We wanted every employee of the retail chain to be able to talk about the contents of the products and recommend to mothers the most suitable products.

All this mass of people needed to be trained. New people who came, and in retail the biggest turnover - up to 15%, had to be adapted

The fourth function is a system of salaries, bonuses and compensations (compensation & benefits)

Many HR managers in Ukraine do not know how to count bonuses. They don’t know how salaries are paid and taxes are paid. Traditionally, accountants were engaged in salaries, and managers were engaged in bonuses. It is not right.

Firstly, there is a bias, and secondly, managers do not know whether the salary and the bonus system they offer are competitive in the market and are eager to save. As a result, employees can go to competitors only because of salary.

HR is required to monitor the level of salaries and bonuses. This does not necessarily mean that salaries need to be raised if they are below market. You can compensate for the level of salaries by something else. For example, medical insurance or product discounts. But this indicator cannot be ignored.

In order to effectively fulfill this function, an HR manager must understand the business. He must understand what kind of business model the company has, what margin this or that product or service has.

If he does not understand this, he can offer a bonus system that harms the company. For example, a business suffers losses, but is forced to pay bonuses due to an incorrect system.

Fifth Function - Corporate Culture & Internal Communication

Corporate culture includes such things as the mission and vision of a company, social responsibility. Roughly speaking, the company must answer through all these points to the key question: how does it differ from others in the market, what value does society and the country bear. This information needs to be conveyed to employees - they are the bearers of corporate culture.

Every action within the framework of corporate culture and social responsibility should coincide with the marketing strategy. Otherwise, it is a waste of money that does not support the image of the company.

I am exaggerating, but if this is an IT company, then you should not go to the field to dig potatoes to help the poor. It’s more logical to open children's IT clubs. Although both methods alone are good.

If the corporate culture of the company is no different from its competitors, its employees will not regard the work as something important. They will go to those who pay more or give the best buns.

Sixth Function - Interaction with the CEO

I call it “executive coaching” or strategic HR. The CEO is also a person, he can be tired of the banal, and he needs a partner to manage the team. Signaling problems and suggesting ways to solve them is a direct HR task of a high order.

Of course, not everyone can coach a leader. This requires at least ten years of experience and business knowledge. My practice shows that HR either gets involved in the business and feels the need to influence the strategy or not.

I recommend that all HR managers decide for themselves whether they want to become HR generalists and subsequently HR directors, or they want to develop one thing and become really cool: either in recruiting, or in evaluation, or whether in corporate training. This will help the specialist correctly position himself in the labor market.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Search Methods personnel. 9 directions

So, head concluded that he needed an employee. He formulated for himself - as will be referred to specialist position, for which he will meet, what will be the authority that it will receive from the company, and so on..
1 direction

Search for candidates best place to start in your own company, it can work here specialist, ready to perform the required duties. Sometimes it is better to redistribute these duties among existing staff, to produce a so-called rotation of personnel.
direction 2

If this approach is not acceptable, then we can turn our attention to friends and acquaintances working in other companies. Rummaging in the memory is always possible to mention the names of several persons, the professional and personal data that meet the requirements of the vacancy. Up to any of these individuals can provide a desired result.
direction 3

If the expert refuses to supply it with pleasure (as a thank you for your attention to his person) will recommend the name of another person, his friend.
direction 4

By placing an ad in the newspaper about hiring (magazines, radio, television), the employer decides a very important task - to several thousand people will learn about the job. Often, this circumstance provides the search success, due to the fact that creates a very wide range of candidates. And all responses will be received from applicants who are in need of work right now. It is only necessary to competently evaluate the candidates and make the right choice.

It is also necessary to remember the content of the ad text. The more precise the requirements to candidates, terms of employment and other information about the job faster desired candidate is found.
Destination 5

There is a more sophisticated method, the so-called targeted recruiting method. In this case, first the objectives, subject to appropriate development. We are talking about companies-competitors of the leading companies and any organization where they work or may work potential candidates for the vacant post. After gathering the relevant information of interest to the names of experts shall be established. Then you need to make contact with them and to make a proposal to change the place of work. This method is mainly used in the selection of senior staff, and it can be used only by professionals of personnel affairs.
direction 6

Actively developing in our country, the system of recruitment through specialized personnel (recruitment) agency. The main advantage of this method - a guaranteed result. agency services usually paid after the candidate will be found and will begin work in the employer's company. Agency advisors not only search for and select personnel, but consult the company that makes it possible to improve the situation, for example, with the adaptation of a new employee, to optimize the motivation system.
direction 7

In recent years, the Internet is used, through which you can find a specialist in any city. A number of specialized Internet sites allow us to establish contact with candidates, organize correspondence.
direction 8

Quite a number of companies enjoying state employment service, which in addition to the social protection of the unemployed, the conditions for recruitment for employers not only to permanent, but a temporary job. The main advantage of this method - a free service.
direction 9

Close ties with the higher and secondary educational institutions allow us to find staff with modern education and a great desire to work. Among college graduates employer can pick up a young and promising professionals able to become carriers of a completely new and progressive corporate culture.

Advantages of recruitment agencies

FirstlyHigh professionalism of personnel consultants. They usually have specialized education (psychology, personnel management), daily during the working day are searching for, the selection of personnel at the request of its customers, that is the source of their income. The bulk of the earnings recruiter - a percentage of the transaction. Piecework wage form in contrast to the stable fixed salary stimulates the manager and to the quality and timeliness. Under this system, of course, that the passive, pessimistic and not just located in the personnel working people eliminated very quickly. Remain recruiters by vocation, reaching in his case considerable heights of professionalism. Consequently, for each job a team of true professionals also extremely interested in the soonest settlement of specific personnel problems.
Secondly, Using the services of professional recruiters can significantly expand the scope of search specialists. All agency database, formed over the years, in fact placed at the disposal of the customer. Thus, the search for the desired employee is conducted not only among the currently active job seekers, but also among the employed professionals, not browsing specialized websites and the press, but nevertheless represents an important potential for the enterprise-customer.
ThirdlyWork with the agency allows the company to significantly reduce the organizational costs of the search process, the selection of personnel. In modern conditions the head is necessary to carefully weigh all the articles on recruitment costs, before deciding on an independent search specialists. Often there is an appeal to the agency is the most profitable and the best way to solve the personnel problem. Indeed, at first glance it may seem that a separate search for cheaper, because the expenses are distributed over time and is not as obvious as one-time payment of agency services.
However, the detailed calculation of the cost of recruitment of new staff often tells a different story. The salary of the employee, directly carrying out the initial selection of candidates, and therefore taxes on additional staff, floor space rental, which conducts interviews with candidates, telephone lines, dedicated to the needs of the Agency, workplace equipment of the personnel, supplies and other costs actually make up the cost of the process . It is also important to note that the above costs are constant, therefore, the longer the applicants are seeking, the more they cost, while virtually all agencies, financial calculations carried out after execution of the order, regardless of the time spent.
A fourth advantage is the speed of execution of the order. If the agency considers the received applications in a profile, the customer is already on the same day often gets a summary of the first candidates. For substitution burning position, this advantage may be a key.
An important function of the employment agency is its role as a mediator, capable to solve most of the difficulties overlapping and misunderstandings that arise between the applicant and the employer at the stage of initial introduction and employment. Practice shows that when meeting a potential employer and the employee raises a lot of incidents that are otherwise difficult to describe how stupid. For example, the personnel department the phone is busy, and a good specialist is simply not get through; He appointed head of the interview, but did not come at the appointed time - the applicant was offended; the applicant was not able to find a company to the address and ashamed to ask again; the employer and the job seeker waiting for a call from each other, but one does not want to call the first ... Such moments are not just once or twice have been the reason that the company has missed a valuable candidate, in search of which have been spent a lot of time, effort and money. Moreover, the fact that employment specialist does not exclude the possibility that any misunderstanding will not affect his decision to stay in the organization.
Recruitment agency, taking over mediation, not only to settle conflicts between the parties concerned, but also often prevents them. For example, the applicant prudently silent in the employer's office, but at the same time willing to share their anxieties and concerns with agency manager in charge of his position. Information received in time to neutralize or minimize the looming conflict.
Thus, the high quality of work, personal interest of recruitment consultants, moderate level of cost, speed of order execution, directed the transaction approval - all this is not an exhaustive list of the factors that determine the economic benefits of treatment in recruitment agencies.

Seven tips for those who want the right to resign

Emotionless. First of all, make sure that you are making the right move. Not to dismiss, to someone to prove anything, hoping to convince others how much they need you, or just in a state of anger.

Talk to the chief. If you do decide to tell about it the chief personally. It is not necessary to send him an e-mail, transmit, through the Secretary, or to leave a note on your desktop. Ask for an audience to talk face to face.

Better sooner. We need to be notified in advance of its decision. Better to do it in two or three weeks, of course, if you do not want to completely burn bridges. Too abrupt withdrawal only mess your reputation that can haunt you in the following areas of work.

Tell me why. Be prepared for the causes. Better to say all is fair, of course, if you are not afraid, that sincerity will burn the remaining bridges. If there is evidence, tell the boss what specifically you are not satisfied. For example, his management style, work atmosphere in the company or a too long time.

Having said that, you are only helping sane boss. If your boss is one of the tyrants and does not accept the criticism, it is possible to get rid of something more official. We can say that "you do not want to miss this great opportunity" or "want to get experience in another field."

Be a pro. Remember that if your decision the boss will react badly, it will affect him, not on you. Always remain professional and diplomat - tell us what you liked that job, but you have other plans. Perhaps in response to this boss will congratulate you and express my regret at your departure. In addition, he will be able to ask what could be done to make you want to stay.

Get out beautifully. Ensure a smooth transition to what will come after you and then quit. For example, leave colleagues all the necessary documents, contacts, passwords, and so on. D. Do not leave unanswered emails, clean up the workplace and help to enter the successor the ropes. You can just in case, leave him your phone number, if you suddenly have questions.

Keep your brand. After being told his boss about the resignation, maintains total concentration, do not be late and do not leave home ahead of time. Demonstrate the same approach to work as before, or just do harm to its reputation. Leave the "head held high", that is, behave in such a way that at a meeting with former colleagues boldly look into their eyes.

The criteria for evaluating the performance of the employment agency

Sooner or later, the employment problem is before any of us. And everyone decides its own way. The work can be searched with the help of relatives and friends of ads on poles and in various print media, through the Internet, by contacting the recruitment agency.

For the last option, many resorted to only in the last instance. One of the reasons for this phenomenon - it is very difficult to decide which of the recruitment agencies are really high quality services.

So, the main question that arises before the applicant: in which agency to contact? Thus, there is a real problem of search criteria for evaluating the quality of the employment agency.

Below we offer you the main points that you should pay attention when choosing a recruitment agency:

 Agency information - name, address, availability of licenses for the representation of employment services.
Work experience in the employment market. Of course, not every applicant wants to become "the first pancake," which may well leave "lumpy".
Efficient execution of orders. This means that the agency has a large base of potential employees and employers can quickly find the right person for the client company. In general, the order execution time depends on its complexity. If the Secretary is quite possible to pick up this week, then finding the middle and upper-level managers will take considerably more time. Accordingly, the applicant can draw conclusions, it really work or just take for a ride.
In the contract "warranty period" is provided between the agency and the employer. That is the time during which the hiring manager oversees your success (or failure) in his new role. In the case where the employee is not satisfied with the employer, the agency is obliged to return the money to the customer.
The quality of service provided. Such things as "promised to call and did not call" or "an appointment, but late" can thoroughly stained the reputation of the agency. And if the recruiter behaves in relation to the customer, what can we expect from it the applicant? Such fuzzy mediator forget to report that there was a long-awaited vacancy confuse the place and time of your interview.
Provision of personnel consulting. This requirement means that the company-customer can always rely on the provision of agency services further, for his help and support in solving various problems arising from staff, can not be solved by a simple firing / hiring.
Using computer processing. In today's world only computerization provides the necessary speed and completeness of the search of necessary information.
Provision of professional testing and helping to improve the skills. This kind of service allows today's unemployed expect a quick get a job, even if so far it does not have sufficient expertise - it will help him to acquire the necessary knowledge. Conducting psychological testing in the implementation of individual selection of professionals enables businesses-customers to be confident that the chosen specialist not only has a high professional level, but also psychologically inclined to perform work required character, without conflict fit into the existing team.

What is the difference between recruitment agencies and employment agencies

For those who first encounters with search ads work, "calculate" recruitment agencies will not be difficult. And in advertising modules, and inline ads often appears the term "recruitment", and this is their main difference from the employment agencies.

The main criterion by which to assess the choice of a mediator in the labor market - this is your competitiveness in the market. Jobs that offer recruiters are always concrete. These firms operate "under the customer", ie, the employer. Services recruiters are companies who are looking for middle and senior managers (this pervasive practice), so less skilled (people working professions, drivers, secretaries, etc.) Is better to choose other ways to find work.

To interact with recruitment agencies there are two ways. The first - when you send your resume to the agency, not focusing on any particular, published in newspaper job, and, so to speak, preemptively. And the second way - when you select a job and send your CV already "targeted." Probably the most effective use and he and the other way.

There is a certain set of qualities, the carrier which receives an advantage over other candidates. It can be said in another way - if you do not have even half of that set, your chances of finding a job through a recruitment agency approach zero.

What is this quality?

 age - 35 years;
 formation - the higher, + additional profile (courses, high schools, etc...);
 work experience - at least two years, and the profile and reputable organizations;
 registration required;
 possession of a PC and (highly desirable) foreign language;
 presentable appearance, and so on. d.

Naturally, plus to all this, you must have exactly the set of professional knowledge and skills that are needed professional employer. Of course, in the recruitment agency you are expected not only well-written resume, but appropriate behavior at the interview (before the "invite" you to the employer, you will talk to agency staff, and often more than once).

What is the reason for such strict requirements for candidates? The main reason is that recruiters are living at the expense of employers. With firms and companies is a contract for recruitment, and employers pay a lot of money for them to have to work real professionals. Therefore, respectability and material stability Recruitment depends largely on the proper selection of candidates for a particular position. We also advise you not to be sprayed, sending out resumes for all recruitment agencies that you are caught in the eye, and to study the specialization of recruiters that will make your search for a new job and a specific point.
Employment Agencies

Experience shows that the top professionals usually have nothing to look at the employment agencies. Their activity is designed for representatives of more mass specialties and supervisors. In general, through the hands of employment agencies held a much larger number of candidates than through recruitment agencies. And there is a simple explanation. Employment agencies offer services that are paid for the applicants, therefore, there are candidates for the accounts. Usually the applicant is a contract in which he pays an initial fee (for resume writing, introduction to database consultation and so on. D.), And gives 25-50% from the first earnings at the new location. If you want to take more, it is worth the alert - most likely, you simply misleading, and the agency is not so solid, how wants to appear.

Admission to Employment Agency requirements are not as stringent as in recruiting. Here, above all, a customer who pays for the service, and the problem of employees does not include agency "remake" you the ideal candidate. You come with a certain set of qualities and skills of luggage, and a recruiter task - to pick up a job "beneath you" and not vice versa.

Selection of an employment agency - it is responsible. Need to go to those organizations that are already quite a long time on the market, publish real vacancies in specialized media, are constantly updating their database. During the visit, the agency must pay attention to the number of applicants, particularly in the work of employees, the number of telephone lines at how professionally communicate with specialists of the agency you. Be sure to thoroughly study the contract that you have to write. Here are some points that are worth considering: open-ended contract, unlimited, refund you spent offered jobs in the event of your netrudoustroystva for some time. If all these factors taken into account in the contract, then, recruitment agency you can trust. But, ultimately, employment guarantee you no one can not - nor those of any other recruitment agencies. Your success depends primarily on you.